• Ebook Contemporary cryptography - Rolf Oppliger

    Ebook Contemporary cryptography - Rolf Oppliger

    Contemporary Cryptography is written to be comprehensive and tutorial in nature. The book starts with two chapters that introduce the topic and briefly overview the cryptographic systems (or cryptosystems) in use today. After a thorough introduction of the mathematical fundamentals and principles that are at the heart of contemporary cryptography (Part I), the cryptographic systems are addressed in detail and defined in a mathematically...

     530 p actvn 24/06/2024 25 0

  • Ebook Cryptography and security services: Mechanisms and applications

    Ebook Cryptography and security services: Mechanisms and applications

    Ebook "Cryptography and security services: Mechanisms and applications" presents the following content: Chapter 1 introduction, chapter 2 ASN.1 encoding, chapter 3 random number generation, chapter 4 advanced encryption standard, chapter 5 hash functions, chapter 6 message - authentication code algorithms, chapter 7 encrypt and authenticate modes, chapter 8 large integer arithmetic, chapter 9 public key algorithms.

     446 p actvn 24/06/2024 25 0

  • Ebook Cryptology unlocked

    Ebook Cryptology unlocked

    Ebook Cryptology unlocked presents the following content: Chapter 1 introduction; chapter 2 cryptology from the romans to World War II; chapter 3 cryptanalysis in detail; chapter 4 development milestones: DES, RSA; chapter 5 life after DES: new methods, new attacks; Chapter 6 cryptographic protocols; Chapter 7 practical applications; Chapter 8 cryptology, politics, and business.

     557 p actvn 24/06/2024 7 0

  • Ebook Decrypted secrets: Methods and maxims of cryptology

    Ebook Decrypted secrets: Methods and maxims of cryptology

    Ebook Decrypted secrets: Methods and maxims of cryptology presents the following content: Chapter 1 introductory synopsis; chapter 2 aims and methods of cryptography; chapter 3 encryption steps: simple substitution; chapter 4 encryption steps: polygraphic substitution and coding; chapter 5 encryption steps: linear substitution; chapter 6 encryption steps: transposition; chapter 7 polyalphabetic encryption: families of alphabets; chapter 8...

     555 p actvn 24/06/2024 27 0

  • Ebook Fundamentals of cryptology: A professional reference & interactive tutorial

    Ebook Fundamentals of cryptology: A professional reference & interactive tutorial

    Ebook Fundamentals of cryptology: A professional reference & interactive tutorial presents the following content: Chapter 1 introduction, chapter 2 classical cryptosystems, chapter 3 shift register sequences, chapter 4 block ciphers, chapter 5 shannon theory, chapter 6 data compression techniques, chapter 7 public-key cryptography, chapter 8 discrete logarithm based systems, chapter 9 RSA based systems, chapter 10 elliptic curves based...

     508 p actvn 24/06/2024 11 0

  • Ebook Enterprise information systems assurance & system security: Managerial & technical issues

    Ebook Enterprise information systems assurance & system security: Managerial & technical issues

    Ebook "Enterprise information systems assurance & system security: Managerial & technical issues" brings together authoritative authors to address the most pressing challenge in the IT field - how to create secure environments for the application of technology to serve our future needs.

     423 p actvn 24/06/2024 12 0

  • Ebook Multimedia security technologies for digital rights management

    Ebook Multimedia security technologies for digital rights management

    "Multimedia security technologies for digital rights management" comprises 18 chapters, and divides into four parts: Overview (Part A), Fundamentals of Multimedia Security (Part B), Advanced topics (Part C), and Standards and Legal issues (Part D). The first three chapters in Part A contain background materials and an overview of the DRM system architecture and deployment issues. Chapters 4 through 8 in Part B describe the fundamental security...

     518 p actvn 24/06/2024 12 0

  • Ebook Mobility, data mining & privacy: Geographic knowledge discovery

    Ebook Mobility, data mining & privacy: Geographic knowledge discovery

    "Mobility, data mining & privacy: Geographic knowledge discovery" is aimed at shaping up this frontier of research, from a computer science perspective: we investigate the various scientific and technological achievements that are needed to face the challenge, and discuss the current state of the art, the open problems and the expected road-map of research. Hence, this is a book for researchers: first of all for computer science researchers,...

     412 p actvn 24/06/2024 12 0

  • Ebook A practical approach to signal and system: Part 1

    Ebook A practical approach to signal and system: Part 1

    Part 1 book "A practical approach to signal and system" includes content: Introduction, discrete signals, continuous signals, time-domain analysis of discrete systems, time-domain analysis of continuous systems, the discrete fourier transform, fourier series, the discrete time fourier transform.

     201 p actvn 24/06/2024 11 0

  • Ebook A practical approach to signal and system: Part 2

    Ebook A practical approach to signal and system: Part 2

    Part 2 book "A practical approach to signal and system" includes content: The fourier transform, the z-transform, the laplace transform, state-space analysis of discrete systems, state-space analysis of continuous systems.

     199 p actvn 24/06/2024 11 0

  • Ebook The telecommunications handbook: Engineering guidelines for fixed, mobile and satellite systems - (1st edition)

    Ebook The telecommunications handbook: Engineering guidelines for fixed, mobile and satellite systems - (1st edition)

    This Telecommunications Handbook aims to tackle the need prior to the concretization of 5G. It is a wellknown fact that systems evolve so fast that literature tends to become outdated at the moment of publication. Nevertheless, the basics of the relevant systems are valid for the long term, and the presentation of the complete set within one book is justified, especially when the information is useful for a variety of professional profiles in...

     1007 p actvn 24/06/2024 11 0

  • Ebook Low visibility antennas for communication systems: Part 1

    Ebook Low visibility antennas for communication systems: Part 1

    Part 1 book "Low visibility antennas for communication systems" includes content: Electromagnetic theory and transmission lines, basic antenna theory, low visibility printed antennas, antenna array.

     123 p actvn 24/06/2024 12 0

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