• Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 5

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 5

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 5 after studying this section will help you understand: To distinguish between traditional and modern symmetric-key ciphers; To introduce modern block ciphers and discuss their characteristics; To explain why modern block ciphers need to be designed as substitution ciphers.

     67 p actvn 26/03/2024 11 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 6

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 6

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 6 after studying this section will help you understand: To review a short history of DES; To define the basic structure of DES ; To describe the details of building elements of DES; To describe the round keys generation process;...

     63 p actvn 26/03/2024 14 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 7

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 7

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 7 after studying this section will help you understand: To review a short history of AES; To define the basic structure of AES; To define the transformations used by AES; To define the key expansion process;...

     66 p actvn 26/03/2024 11 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 8

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 8

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 8 after studying this section will help you understand: To show how modern standard ciphers, such as DES or AES, can be used to encipher long messages. To discuss five modes of operation designed to be used with modern block ciphers. To define which mode of operation creates stream ciphers out of the underlying block ciphers.

     41 p actvn 26/03/2024 11 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 9

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 9

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 9 after studying this section will help you understand: To introduce prime numbers and their applications in cryptography. To discuss some primality test algorithms and their efficiencies. To discuss factorization algorithms and their applications in cryptography.

     50 p actvn 26/03/2024 14 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 10

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 10

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 10 after studying this section will help you understand: To distinguish between two cryptosystems: symmetric-key and asymmetric-key; To introduce trapdoor one-way functions and their use in asymmetric-key cryptosystems; To introduce the knapsack cryptosystem as one of the first ideas in asymmetric-key cryptography;...

     59 p actvn 26/03/2024 6 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 11

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 11

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 11 after studying this section will help you understand: To define message integrity; To define message authentication; To define criteria for a cryptographic hash function; To define the Random Oracle Model and its role in evaluating the security of cryptographic hash functions;...

     41 p actvn 26/03/2024 4 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 12

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 12

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 12 after studying this section will help you understand: To introduce general ideas behind cryptographic hash functions; To discuss the Merkle-Damgard scheme as the basis for iterated hash functions; To distinguish between two categories of hash functions: To discuss the structure of SHA-512.

     49 p actvn 26/03/2024 5 0

  • Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 13

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 13

    Lecture Cryptography and network security: Chapter 13 after studying this section will help you understand: To define a digital signature; To define security services provided by a digital signature; To define attacks on digital signatures; To discuss some digital signature schemes, including RSA, ElGamal;...

     36 p actvn 26/03/2024 5 0

  • Thực thi một số thuật toán lượng tử cơ bản

    Thực thi một số thuật toán lượng tử cơ bản

    Bài viết Thực thi một số thuật toán lượng tử cơ bản thực thi các thuật toán lượng tử Deutsch-Jozsa, Bernstein-Vazirani, Simon và Grover trên máy tính lượng tử IBM thông qua icloud của trình mô phỏng Qiskit (Qiskitv0.35.0).

     6 p actvn 26/03/2024 7 0

  • Đánh giá xu hướng thử nghiệm và đề xuất triển khai công nghệ 5G tại Việt Nam

    Đánh giá xu hướng thử nghiệm và đề xuất triển khai công nghệ 5G tại Việt Nam

    Bài viết Đánh giá xu hướng thử nghiệm và đề xuất triển khai công nghệ 5G tại Việt Nam trình bày xu hướng, kinh nghiệm triển khai 5G trong và ngoài nước, hiện trạng mạng thông tin di động tại Việt Nam và đưa ra các đề xuất hướng triển khai 5G tại Việt Nam.

     6 p actvn 26/03/2024 5 0

  • Phát hiện email URL lừa đảo sử dụng học máy có giám sát

    Phát hiện email URL lừa đảo sử dụng học máy có giám sát

    Bài viết Phát hiện email URL lừa đảo sử dụng học máy có giám sát tập trung vào việc phát hiện email URL lừa đảo, là một dạng của các cuộc tấn công lừa đảo bằng cách đề xuất 51 đặc trưng URL để xác định.

     12 p actvn 26/03/2024 4 0

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